Wanna know me?
HEY buddies. my name is _____ for short my full name is ___________. I'm actually was born in ______ . I have _ good friends _______ and _____ , both of them shoo cutee. My hobby is ______,______,______. My ambition is become ______.BTW, i really-really like ______ things. THANKS for READING , sorry if my english so bad. I'm just a human being who makes mistakes.
Credits more;
Template :N.Afiqah
Basecode :Masterly_elmo
Tutorial : Afiqah Wana Atiqah
Pictures : We Heart It
Best View : Google Chrome
ble sy bosyan
Wednesday, August 12, 2009 • 12:43 AM •
1 comments ble akuh bosan, aku akan ;
- tgk picca2 d dlm lptp kuh (: mngimbas memori semalam
- memegang nsetkuh smbil bharap nset bebyi
- meng on9 kan diri d mne2 aku mendaftar
- mngemas tmpt akuh skrg [ bilik ]
- berdoa aku d landasan yg btol
- mrenung awan yg tbentang
- smoge KITE sume bhagia
- myibukkan diri d cni
- melihat novel2 kuh
- berKHAYAL !